Monday, October 10, 2011

Reading Post “Field Works”

When I first read this poem “Field Works” I felt confused because I had a hard time understanding its meaning but after reading it a few time and writing notes and looking up terms that I did not know I was able to understand the poem better. In this poem I felt that Heaney used a lot of references to nature in his poem to describe and compare a women in the first part of the poem “Field Works”. Not only about the references to women but as I read the poem for a third time I was able to see that Heaney also made references to men made items or such as vaccinations and coal trains. In the poem Heaney wrote, “I could…smell the coal smell of the train that comes between us” (Heaney 52). To my understanding think what this sentence is saying is that coal is a goldmine for business. Coal has been the main source of fuel for steam trains. After reading this poem many times I feel that I have grasp somewhat of what the poems are trying to say and what Heaney is trying to convey in this poem, this to me I believe was the hardest poem for me to understand.

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