Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Field Work

I noticed that he used a lot of scenary and images in his poems. He made a lot of connections to trees. For example in I, he discusses the sally tree, in II he discusses bark, in III "full of alder cones and pock-marked leaves, tart green shade of summer", in IV "I press a leaf of the flowering currant." There are lot of points of imagery as well like smell senses. like in II, "in a mothering smell of wet". That made me think of the smell of rain coming, and the catpiss smell in IV. I also noticed him talking about certain marks and certain parts of the body. For example, he mentions the vaccination mark twice, but in different places (the arm and thigh). In IV, he talks about how he is drawing something on the skin and it references to how it looks like a birthmark.

I am not sure how this all connects to each other. I am actually more confused because to me it seems like he is using nature references for a "deeper meaning" but I am not seeing the "deeper meaning." I do think though that the connections of the marks mean something significant and that IV is the most important part of the poem. I understand that he is drawing something on someone's hand and this is the only part of the poem I literally understand. But I don't know the significance of it.

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