Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Macbeth: Act II Journal

There is no specific text that I will specifically right about; but as a whole, Act II got juicy. Lady Macbeth is so persistant and demanding that I find it hilarious, due to the fact that back during that time women weren't seen as dominant characters. She was the mastermind behind the death of King Duncan, but plays it off so well. With the attack in mind, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth executed the murder smoothly and diligently. Then, guilt stated to set in his (Macbeth) mind as he looked at the blood on his hand that still clenched the dagger. He became dilusional and scared all at once. That didn't seem to phase his wife though. She knew what it had to take to become the first lady and she did just that. Planning the murder, executing and painting the murder scene fell through unbelievably, that it started to point fingers toward Duncan's two sons as they fled soon after the revealing of his death. Them leaving made it suspicious, having in mind that once the King dies, the eldest son is whom takes the throne. With Malcolm and Donalblain fleeing, they have become suspects along with the groomsmen who were painted with the murder. I enjoyed this act because it was suspenseful and interesting all at once. Duncan's death was so blunt, that it left me saying "oh" as I flipped the pages. I'm ready to see what happens next, the more I read, the more my memory is being refreshed from my High School days in acting this play out.

1 comment:

  1. I thought that it was very interesting that you talked about women's portrayal during this era. I also agree that Lady Macbeth seems to be a much more powerful character than Macbeth. I wonder if women are portrayed similarly in any other Shakespeare plays.
