Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Macbeth Reading Response Act II

"The sleeping and the dead are but as pictures" (Shakespeare, 27)

This quote is said by Lady Macbeth to Macbeth.  At this point in the Act Macbeth has just work up the courage to kill Duncan but his subconscious keeps on trying to make him feel guilty by speaking to him and scaring him.  Macbeth has just said that this voice has just told him that "Glamis hath murder sleep, therefore Cawdor shall sleep no more. Macbeth shall sleep no more." (Shakespeare,27)  In this quote I believe that sleep is referring to the calm state of mind.  And so once Macbeth completes the deed and kills King Duncan, Macbeth will forever have a heavy guilt over what he has just done.  He will literally not be able to sleep because he mind will become so restless.  Then in Lady Macbeth's response to his worries, she is saying that those who are asleep and  those who are dead are one in the same.  When you are sleeping you can not physically take action with what is going on around you and the same happen when you are dead.  Lady Macbeth is calling Macbeth a cowered and thinks that he should be taking initiative and owning up to what he has just done.  She is saying that the sleeping and the dead remain still and lifeless like pictures and they can not do anything to harm him because those who were asleep during the time that Macbeth killed Duncan can not prove that it was he who killed the King. Now this leaves me wondering how the play will end.  Because Macbeth is definitely suffering from a guilty conscious and Lady Macbeth seems unaffected.  I wonder if maybe Lady Macbeth will end up taking all the blame and covering for Macbeth or if she will frame him and tell everyone that it was him?

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