Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Field Work Response

Reading Field Work again, had my mind puzzled but working too. I was trying hard to grasp the main points and what Heaney was trying to say. Like I said before, poems are not my strong points, but I'm starting to get the hang a little. Heaney does a great job with giving very vivd imagery of nature. Learning about where he grew up, Northern Ireland, explains why. So, Field Work was just another poem to share his love for nature, He also made a lot of connection to trees. Heaney again connected what a vaccination mark would like in lines 11 &12. "But your vaccination mark is on your thigh, and O that's healed into the bark"(Heaney 53). He tied the O engraved in bark to the bulls eye on ones thigh thats marked when one gets a shot. It made me think back when I had to get a TB test done for my job, and the nurse circled it to be able to identify where the shot was given, just in case my body reacted. The last line of the poem "you are stained, stained to perfection," really sticks out to me. Reading IV made me ponder a minute. I feel like that line was speaking of mark placed on one's body like a birthmark like he mentioned. He also tied the veins in your body crosses just like the veins in a leaf. He did a really great job in connecting nature to the human body, i thought. I read the poem again because I wanted to make sure I did not miss any connections and just because I started to see the poem in a whole another light. Doing the columns and rereading poems does help you to interpret poems much easier, as it did for me with this poem.

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