Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Macbeth Act I Response

In highschool I've read Othello, Romeo and Juliet, and Hamlet. However, we usually read them as a class and reading/interpreting it for myself is going to be new. I like to read it aloud with someone though because it gives a more realistic feel for the story. I actually like act one because of all the conniving and scheming that is going on. Macbeth says," What thou art promised. Yet do I fear thy nature;/ It is too full o'th' milk of human kindess." From these two lines, I took that Macbeth thought it unnatural for the witches to be so kind-hearted to him. He thinks there is something else that they want secretly. I also found it astonishing that the wife, Lady Macbeth, was more persistent to go through with the murder than Macbeth was. She laid the whole plan out for him and he just agreed. I'm interested in seeing what the rest of the story will unfold. I also want to see who else is going to die because in most of Shakespeare's plays there are numerous killings.


  1. Yes! It seems like his wife is more power hungry than he is .. she just elevates his whole thought process into gaining his rule as king by any means necessary! Women are often the downfall of many powerful men. Macbeth seems to be influenced enough by her to fall under this category.

  2. i agree with what this post talks about because if you just give time to do the reading and give time to what the context of the reading is trying to convey..iI mean that it not the most exciting to read but it enjoyable to read.
