Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Guttural Muse-Reading Response 10/04

I thought out of all the poems that we have read so far, The Guttural Muse was my favorite to analyze. I think that it is neat to see the "hidden meanings" come to life and once all of the context is put together, it means something. I also like how in Heaney's poems he is so descriptive. "A girl in a white dress was being courted out among the cars: As her voice swamred and puddled into laughs"(Heany 20). This makes me literally imagine a really pretty girl in a white dress being escorted out by men and I feel like I can hear the laughter coming from far away. The setting in the poem is very vivid and you can imagine the heat and warmth of the night and picture yourself watching these people leave the club. In a sense, you can sort of feel the loneliness and desire to join them, but it is so subtle that you don't directly see it until you look for the meanings. It's crazy how poetry can speak to you in unobvious ways the way words in for example your favorite song touch your soul.


1 comment:

  1. Lena,

    YES! I love the last line of your post. Absolutely. There is something about reading words on a page or hearing them sung that, when they are the right words, just absolutely resonates with us in the most amazing way! I'm glad you know that feeling, too!

