Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"Macbeth" Reading Response Journal

“And oftentimes, to win us to our harm,
The instruments of darkness tell us truths” (Shakespeare, 51)

This quote by Banquo in the third scene of act one was by far my favorite. I haven’t read the play, but I know enough about the plot to realize that this quote foreshadows the tragic fate of Macbeth. At first glance, Macbeth is a loyal soldier to King Duncan and worthy of high praise. Macbeth is also highly ambitious, and with each scene his thirst for glory becomes more of an obsession. It doesn’t help that his wife prods him into embracing these desires instead of laying them to rest. After I finished the first act, I started looking for connections to Macbeth in modern media. I couldn’t have been rattling my brain for two minutes before I immediately thought of Brian De Palma’s classic 1983 gangster film, Scarface. It is impossible to watch the meteoric rise and violent downfall of Tony Montana without picturing the famous highlander. I am excited about reading Macbeth. I was supposed to read this play for my Literature class when I was a senior in high school, but “Snowpocalypse” compelled the teacher to cut the unit completely. I am looking forward to see what happens next, especially with Banquo. He came across as a likeable character, and I am interested in seeing what role he plays in Macbeth’s usurpation of the Scottish throne.

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