Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Macbeth Reading Response

Now that our class is reading Shakespeare’s “Macbeth”, I am not necessarily as excited to sit down and read this play. I have been reading Shakespeare in school beginning with sonnets in eighth grade and most recently read “Hamlet” my senior year of high school. I have fond memories of falling asleep with my face between the pages of my Hamlet book.

This time around I am trying to keep an open mind and actually read the text closely. I still loathe reading old English texts but I feel like class discussions will help clarify any misunderstandings. Already in my reading I found a quote that just sounds ridiculous when read aloud in act 2, scene 1, page 2. “So I lose none In seeking to augment it, but still keep my bosom franchised and allegiance clear, I shall be counselled.” Coming across sentences like this in the reading is kind of disheartening and the extra effort to analyze context and look up words makes reading more of a task than an activity. I definitely prefer reading books from the 20th and 21st centuries but I think I am up for the challenge of reading a Shakespearian play from the 17th century in my sophomore year of college.

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