Tuesday, October 18, 2011

MacBeth Reading Response Oct 19

I "read" MacBeth in high school. My teacher told us to look over, not read, but look over, different random parts of the play and then we'd just end up watching that part of the movie during the next class. I honestly didn't fully grasp the play since we didn't even go over it and its entirety. We also never fully discussed it since we just watched the movie. I plan on reading and trying my hardest to fully understand it. So far, in Act I, I find the story and characters interesting. I find the sneaky conversations and the peer pressure some what relatable, if I am understanding what is going on.

"The interim having weighed it" (Shakespeare 13).

In the footnotes, it says that this phrase means "having considered the matter in the meantime." It is difficult to learn and understand this Elizabethan language he chose to write in. I also noticed that everyone is trying to get to MacBeth's head, but he is trying to decide his own fate and what he wants to do with Cawdor. He was peer pressured into this situation and even his wife is encouraging the murder. I finally an understanding of Shakespeare's work and I find it interesting: in the style of writing and the plot.


  1. I found it interesting how your high school teacher didn't even want to go in depth about such a heavy piece of literature. Hopefully we can all understand what it's all about in this class. :)

  2. Melanie, I agree with you. I find myself always looking down at the bottom of the page trying to see if they put what the word means. It it is difficult, but his plays are always interesting and very manipulative. I hope we can analyze it more in class so we can get a better idea of what exactly is going on !
