Tuesday, October 25, 2011

MacBeth Act II

"The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee." (2:1:35)

I found it crazy how delusional that MacBeth got right before the murder was committed. He talked to himself and was imagining a dagger in front of his face. The fact that he took it as a sign to commit the murder was intriguing. He was opposed to the whole idea until he started hallucinating and felt that the deed needed to be done. I feel as if this is the start of the whole story now because the king is dead. The rest of the characters do not know anything pertaining to the murder and I think it will be interesting to watch everything unravel. We also learn that two of the chamberlain were killed and that threw in a little twist to everyone else's confusion. MacBeth lost his cool and began to freak out, and I believe that is why the two chamberlain were killed. Lady MacBeth got under his skin but, he thought he would be able to handle it better.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your writing. I find it extremely crazy how delusional Macbeth gets before committing the murder. I like your statement on how he tries to take the dagger infront of him as a sign to commit the murder. I do believe this is a start to a whole new story now that the king is dead. I wonder if the murder will come back and haunt Macbeth?
