Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Field Work

I believe this poem is a love poem. However, Seamus Heaney never says what it is he is in love with. In part one he stands watching his lover. While it may be a person he is in love with, I also think it could be nature. He stands at the railroad crossing in part one watching his love. In part two I think he is referring to his lover as a tree. I think in this part he is possibly laying under a tree watching the moon. I like the reference of the moon looking as if it was a coin. On the Pequod's Mast there was as well a coin nailed on. The Pequod was a ship in one of Moby Dick writings. I do not really understand the third part of the poem but it sounds like Seamus is pointing out things in nature that are not as pretty as the sunflower in the corner. I believe his love is related to the sunflower. In a world of things that are not pretty his love is. In the fourth part of the poem I believe Seamus Heaney reveals his love as nature.

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