Tuesday, October 25, 2011


"Malcolm and Donaldbain, the King's two sons,/Are stol'n away and fled, which puts upon them/Suspicion of the deed(34)."

From these lines we gain the knowledge that other people are beginning to blame the murder on Duncan's sons. Although MacBeth feels guilty and is guilty, others aren't realizing the same thing. This was part of the scheme that Lady MacBeth was planning, she wanted to make it look like someone else did the act. When MacBeth told her that he still had the knives he used with the murder, she was upset with him and demanded that he took them back as soon as possible.

The play is becoming very interesting and all of the manipulation makes the story even more suspenseful. As I said before, I read a couple of other Shakespeare plays and so far, I think, this is one of the most interesting to me. It's not easy to read, but it's not difficult to try to figure out what certain lines and phrases mean. I feel like with poetry, we had to read it completely blind-sided, but with this you can piece the puzzle together.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I agree! Shakespeare isn't easy to read, but it's easier to interpret than poetry is. Have you tried reading with the modern version on hand as well? It makes it even easier and you can really get into the plot twists with a better understanding of the simple phrases!
