Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Macbeth Act 1 Reading Response

"Macbeth: So foul and fair a day I have not seen."

This line, i feel sets the tone for not only the first act but also for the entirety of the play. This line shows a sense of foreboding and a sense of confusion. For me, that in the emotional tone of the whole play. There are large sections of the play that are filled with an air of despondency and fear of what is to come in many of the chracters. There are also many instances in the play that the characters feel confusion, both between other characters and within themselves. The inner confusion faced by the characters also seems like inner turmoil over what they have done and what they see as they must do. The confusion between chracters is also seen in the form of miss-communication, both intentionally and unintentionally. This play is one of Shakespeare's tragedies and this line is one of the many that create ans atmosphere of fear of what is to come.

Samantha Smiley

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