Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Macbeth - Reading Response 10/18

What most interests me in Macbeth are the witches. They just add a hint of entertainment to the story for me. I can imagine them popping up and speaking in proverbs to Macbeth and Banquo. And I can imagine two grown men cowering at the presence of supernatural beings. Anything supernatural interests me, and it makes this story more interesting. Every time the witches appear, the plot thickens. The prophecy that they tell Macbeth in the beginning is the basis of the entire plot. Macbeth is dreaming to be king, and the witches just validate his want for power. In a way, the witches are the most important component of the story line. Without them, the story wouldn't be so intense and anxious as we wait to see if their prophecies come through.

The witches also give the play a grungy type of eerie feel to it. I love the imagery that's presented, it makes the story so much easier to enjoy and divulge in when the dialogue is sometimes hard to understand. I think that with Shakespeare, you have to find something that you can attach to and really be interested in to hold your attention and to make you want to understand what's going on. This element for me, are the witches. I can't wait for them to show themselves again!

1 comment:

  1. I am very similar to you when it comes to finding an element in a story that interests you and following it throughout the novel, especially when it comes to novel that I have to read for school and which are not always my first choice pick. The bad thing for me is that I don't like witches because I don't believe in them. For me the story would be a lot more interesting if the witches wouldn't be part of the story because it would make the plot a lot more realistic. I usually do not choose to read fictional novels, and if it wasn't for the witches I would be able to easier play this story out in my mind, but because I do not believe in witches it is difficult to imagine the plot and to view the characters in my mind. You are lucky that you find something that interests you in this novel, because it certainly isn't an easy read to follow.
