Tuesday, October 18, 2011

MacBeth Reading Response

I have read a few Shakespeare novels in the past, but have not read any recently or throughout any of my college learning. It certainly takes some time to get used to his writing style, words, and character plot so when I began reading the first couple pages I felt like it was going to be very hard for me to even get though ACT 1. However, after reading more into the plot and getting familiar with some of the characters, the reading because easier although it still isn’t easy to understand at times. It’s almost as if the brain needs to get used to a different language until we begin to comprehend Shakespeare’s writing.

ACT 1, as most other beginning pages or a novel, is very difficult to get used to because there are different characters and roles that I was trying to understand. At the beginning the novel seemed to be going in different directions, and it was very difficult for me to follow a story line. However, once the plot began developing the plot against Kind Duncan and his murder. I think it's interesting to see how the time frame that the plot is written in potrays how normal murder was at the time. If someone wanted to take another person's title, murder would be the answer and it would justify. The one thing I do not like about the novel is that it introduces witches, especially very early on in the ACT, because it makes the novel seem more fictional and it is difficult for me to imagine the characters in my mind. 

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