Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Macbeth Act 2

In this reading in act 2 scene its about how Macbeth is talking his guilt toward what he had done like killing Duncan. In act 2 Macbeth wonders in his mind weather or not if he will get away with what he has done and will he ever get the blood off his hands. When he confronts his wife and tells her what he has done, she tell him to wash his hands with water and it will come off easily. When i read this I feel like that there is a miscommunication between him and his wife. I also feel when i was reading this act that the wife of Macbeth does not know or understand the full gravity of the situation. When she does figure out what happen she got really mad because Macbeth left the dagger at the scene of the crime and calls him a coward for not going back and getting it. After reading this i got really interested because I felt that i was part of the story and I felt that it was really happening in real time.

"Will all great Neptune ocean wash this blood clean from my hand (Macbeth Act 2 scene 2)

1 comment:

  1. How do you feel there is a miscommunication?
    I understand what you mean when you say that Lady Macbeth doesn't really understand how he would be feeling. It would have been different if she'd done it.
    But, Macbeth actually brought the daggers with him. That's why she got mad at him. He was suppose to leave them there and make it look like someone else did it.
    But I also understand what you mean about feeling apart of the story. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that this a serious moment in story and we've been expecting it. Now that it's happened, the story has caught our interest.
