Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I love "Zeitoun" so far. I love the angle that it's in, even though it's nonfiction it's still written in a fiction type of format. I love the flashbacks that give us more background on the Zeitoun's. Zeitoun himself has a very interesting childhood, and I think that adds to the complexity of his family. The fact that it's a true story yet it's not boring, is what interests me the most. It's so real and down to earth that it's relatable. Kathy was married before and was a single mother and did what she had to do to survive. I like that she didn't jump on the opportunity to date Zeitoun, yet their love is so real.

I've always been interested in the Muslim religion ever since reading another book that touched on the religion, and Kathy's story about why she converted was interesting. It gave me a different outlook on Muslim converts. Usually, I think of Muslim converts as black men in jail trying to turn their lives around, but Kathy proved otherwise.

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