Sunday, November 27, 2011

Zeitoun Response 2

"Kathy woke up having reached a new kind of peace. She felt strong, and was ready to start planning."(Eggers, 200)

This quote suggests an overall perspective towards the novel. This particular quote is taken out when Kathy finally got a grasp over her emotions while she had no information about Zeitoun's whereabouts. Every character in the novel illustrates an extraordinary amount of courage and optimistic attitude towards life. Zeitoun and Kathy, being the protagonists in the novel, keep their positive attitude towards every problem that they come across. An example of Zeitoun's patience is evident as he stays in the jail and still manages to pray five times a day without hestitation and complain. Kathy manages to stay with her four kids and doesnt let her emotions to be exposed so that her kids wouldn't be affected by it. Her kids are just as patient as them. The kids are very brave and show immense amount of courage while they stay disconnected and away from their father for a really long time. Thus, the book gives an overall positive overview of life and suggests how even in difficult times, it is best to be optimistic and take life one step at a time. The courage as well as patience portrayed by each of the characters is an example to live by. The novel is a concept that has a dimension of every struggle that an individual goes through that can be applied to our lives.

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