Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Reading Responce 11/15

“Work was a pyramid, he knew, built on day after solid day” (Eggers 27).

This quote displays one of Abdulrahman Zeitoun’s main motivations throughout the story this far. I think that the main subject point Dave Eggers is currently portraying in Zeitoun, is indeed work. This is true based on the fact that we as readers know, Zeitoun was brought up in a working family, he is an entrepreneur, and the readers are also constantly being told about things that go on during his work day. Because he is such a devoted and hard worker he made a lot of good impressions on me. For instance, right before this quote we read about when he was running late for work he carried his bike on his shoulders. That is crazy to me and a lot of people now a days would never even think about doing such. To me, once someone defines themselves as a hard worker and they prove it, it ultimately shows that this person is reliable, gives respect, and can be trusted. All of which are great quality to poses. With all of that being said, there is one question that I have. At what point does a dedicated worker transform into someone who is working too hard and too long in which will have negative effects on himself and/or others around him?

1 comment:

  1. I liked what you said about people becoming reliable once they define themselves as a hard worker. I also think working hard to get what you want is an admirable trait, and certainly one I most admire. You raised a great question at the end of your reading response journal, and it made me anxious to see what happens next.
