Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Macbeth Webcrawl


While I was searching through Youtube trying to find a video I found a lot of spoofs and different interpretations of the play Macbeth. This video that I posted I enjoyed the most because it helped me the most visually see the play in action. A story being told in a cartoon form is always helpful. What I enjoyed the most was seeing Macbeth because even though he was a solider I imagined him being some weak looking kind of a person. I based this off because of how he had allowed his wife to boss him around. Throughout this clip you can see Macbeth feature's turn darker as he get closer to the moment of killing King Duncan. Another aspect of the clip I enjoyed was seeing the witches. I imagined them being some old looking ladies that are very skinny and frail with long gray hair. In the movie it somewhat confirmed it but not completely. It was interesting to see the moment when Banquo and Macbeth meet the witches. The clip just shows them in some cave like place where the witches are, but in the play it self Banquo and Macbeth stumble upon the witches. I enjoyed watching this clip's interpretation of the play.

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