Monday, November 7, 2011

Macbeth Post

This is actually a trailer of the movie Throne of Blood. This is a Japanese version of Macbeth and I watched it in high school. It's an adaptation of Macbeth so all the character names are different but the plot is very similar to the play, but it's in Japanese so if you watch it you'll need subtitles. The movie is actually one of the most accurate versions of Macbeth that I have seen and I really like it because you can really see the internal conflicts that Macbeth goes through before murdering the king. Since Macbeth is a play I find it hard to really feel the emotions of the characters, but when watching this movie I liked how I could see what each of the characters were feeling and how they behaved in response to certain things in the play (like when Lady Macbeth loses her mind near the end and keeps washing her hands). If you have time you should watch the movie, it'll help you understand the play better.

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