Monday, November 7, 2011

Modern Macbeth

This was so funny! I liked this modern version because I can see my friends and I doing something like this for a high school English class. I think it was cool because it was all girls. The plot was very realistic (besides the killing lol) .. but as teens, you can relate to the whole stereotypical nerd vs. jock rivalry. The props were hilarious - pens as swords and the same scarves used over and over. It was so creative and just hilarious! You could tell they were having a good time, and that's what made me like it even more. The accents made it even more funny as well. Hope you guys will enjoy this like I did!

1 comment:

  1. I ran into this video too! I thought they did a good job on modernizing the play while also making it entertaining. It shows the plot in a way teenagers can understand. Too funny!
