Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Zeitoun Reading Response 2

""Why don't you take off that thing and relax?" she [Kathy's mother] said, pointing to Kathy's hijab. "He's not here. Be yourself". Kathy suppressed a dozen things she wanted to say, and instead channeled her rage into packing" (Eggers 106).

When I read those lines, I actually got an ache of anger in my heart. This is the second time in the book where Kathy's mother makes a bad reference to her hijab. What bothered me the most about this is the fact that Kathy's mother doesn't realize that it is her daughter's choice to wear it. There might be actually just a small percentage of husbands who make their wives cover, but usually it is the woman's choice to wear the scarf or not. And I think that that choice is pretty brave especially that it is done in a Western country where it is sometimes looked down upon because of ignorance. I like how Eggers bluntly wrote the mother's words so casually, and even with them being written so casually, I still got the feeling of like... Seriously? After all those years of Kathy being dedicated to her religion and having a lot of faith, you still think it's because of her husband? What I also like about this little passage is the fact that when Kathy heard these words, she tried her best not to let them get to her, and she continued on with what she was doing. Eggers did a good job showing both sides. I also think that battles between religions start like this, on a simple personal level. If there is more education and understanding, then maybe things will be easier for all parties. I like Kathy's personality a lot because she fights everyday. She fights for her family, for her integrity, and for her faith. I think all these things make her out to be a really strong woman.

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