Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Zeitoun Reading Response: 11/15

I find the Characters in Zeitoun very interesting. Specially Kathy and Zeitoun as they remind me of my very own parents. Zeitoun is just like my dad. There is one particular scene that reminded me of my childhood with my parents. It was in page 49, where Kathy's kids are telling her a story about Pokemon. This was my childhood game and my parents would often over see me playing it or they would ask me about it. What really got my attention though was Zeitoun, "Kathy looked up to find Zeitoun in the doorway, leaning against the frame, watching them all. He did this often, just watching, taking it all in" (Eggers 49). This was often the case with my dad. Me and my sister would interact with my mom in all our childhood games while my dad would monitor us, like Zeitoun did in that scene. Just that small passage tells us how much Kathy and Zeitoun care about their kids, which is a big characteristic of them.
It is always nice to relate to a novel, it makes the reading much more fun and interesting. That is the case with this book. I can relate to the characters and the events that happen, such as hurricane Katrina, as I lived through it as well.


  1. I can totally agree with you. Pokemon was my thing too when I was a kid. I think that relating to the book is important and it does make it more interesting to read. I like that the Zeitoun's are close and that the parents are involved with their children. And you're right, it is an important characteristic of them.
