Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Zeitoun Reading Response Journal

“In Syria we have a saying, ‘The crazy person talks, the wise person listens.’” (Part I, pg. 46)

Zeitoun, written by Dave Eggers, tells the story of Abdulrahman Zeitoun, a Syrian-American who lived with his wife and children in New Orleans when the state of Louisiana was hit hard by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Zeitoun is a family man who is interested in raising his own family and meets Kathy, an American woman living as a single mother who converted to Islam after going through an ugly divorce. Eggers does a fine job of diverting our attention to the story even though we are well aware of the danger the characters are about to face. I was drawn to the character of Zeitoun because he is smart and motivated by a desire to provide for his family. He is also an individual who works hard to get what he wants, a trait I most admire.

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