Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Zeitoun 11/15

One of the many parts of this book that stood out to me was the part where Zeitoun stopped working for a client when she was being rude to Kathy. It shows that Zeitoun puts family first, above all things.  It is clear that his business means alot to him, considering that he would not leave New Orleans when Katrina was coming; but to loose a client and stick up for his wife shows true character.  This section also shows that both Zeitoun and Kathy communicate very well and are on the same page with thing.  Which then leads into the differences that they both felt about the storm.  I thought that it was interesting that in many aspects of their lives, such as the children, the business,  and religion, the two of them both agree and share the same values.  But then when it comes to something so simple like leaving their home to stay safe, they could not seem to agree.  This difference in views that they had could have cost Zeitoun his life and I am sure that he will soon come to regret the decision he made to stay.  I wonder if Zeitoun and Kathy will have any other difference between the two of them come about.

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