Monday, November 7, 2011

Lady Macbeth Sleepwalking

When I was reading the play of Macbeth, particularly the scene of Lady Macbeth sleepwalking, I pictured her walking to a sink and literary washing her hands with soup and water, and the doctor and the gentlewoman watching Lady Macbeth from behind a curtain. In this video, Lady Macbeth is walking pass by the two watchers and just rubbing her hands while talking. Additionally, I pictured Lady Macbeth wearing a white night gown, but in this video, she wears a black night gown. I pictured the only light in the room were candles hung on the wall, whereas, in the video, Lady Macbeth is carrying a candle and the doctor is holding a lantern. This shows that it all depends on how the director of the play pictures the entire scene because we do not get these details described in the book.

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