Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Macbeth Video Response


As soon as I watched this, I almost wish I had watched it earlier. I hope they have more of these videos for other books. It is just such a simple explanation to the story that I feel could help some readers get a better understanding of the concept of Macbeth as a whole.  This is not to say that I recommend watching a 96 second video and expecting to use that instead of reading the play because you do miss a lot of the smaller details.  The information presented though is very accurate and gives a simple summary of the play.  It only has one (real) character and a narrator, so you don't get the full effect of a play, it is more like a story.  I used it as a way to make sure I understood the play and what exactly happened in the bigger picture.

1 comment:

  1. This actually really helped visualize the play. I didn't even think of watching video clips of even finding audio tunes of MacBeth online to better understanding the play. Like most novels, a movie or clip does not compare to the actual stories that are told in the writing. So I agree with the fact that you cannot watch a video and expect to understand an entire play, especially not a play such as MacBeth. However, this video certainly did inspire me even more to see MacBeth live or even any similar play because I have never seen anything like that in person and have read many plays throughout my school education.
