Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Reading Response to A Good Man is Hard to Find

Going through my notes I made to myself it seems that the puzzle pieces all seem to fall into place.  The picture seems even more clear once you read the whole story. I understand why you asked us to read it the first time and then the second time go through and write our responses to passages.

One of the first things that started to make me think was right in the beginning. The grandmother asks Bailey to read the newspaper about The Misfit and how the article describes everything he has done to his victims.(O'Connor 1)  Later on in the chapter the grandma is described in great detail in what she is wearing and how she is posed and how she would still be known as a lady even if she was found dead on the highway.(O'Connor 3)  The first time I read through it I thought of it as maybe a little foreshadowing without any knowledge of the rest of the story.

The grandmother is always described very clearly in everything she does. The next paragraph goes on to tell everything she says while in the car and everything she points out about the scenery.  A lot of time is spent on the grandma which made me wonder what everybody else was doing at that time. Just made me think a little bit...

Also, another thing that I had questioned since the beginning was what time period this is set in.  Sometimes I felt like it could have been written yesterday, but at other times I felt like it was written sixty years ago.

The ending was a little unexpected but I think I knew what was coming before the grandmother realized it.  It was a little hard to follow the few pages of dialogue as it went back and forth a whole lot but overall it was a captivating story with a unique ending. I enjoyed it enough to read it three times.


  1. Chris, your observation about the time period is fascinating! What in the story made you think that it might be now? What made you think it would be 60 years ago? I'm also curious about why you think you felt some foreshadowing? Good post!

  2. Whenever I read something, I always have a mental picture, or movie, in my head. During this short story, however, I could picture two different movies in two different time periods. It's hard to describe why I felt and thought that way though.
