Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"A Good Man Is Hard To Find" Reading Response

From the very beginning, the author utilized the literary device of foreshadowing. There were hints throughout the passage that eluded to the way it was going to end. The grandmother's antics began within the first paragraph, where she was trying to convince her son not to travel to Florida because of a serial killer on the loose, the "Misfit." She was more so trying to get her way than protect her family from murder, but nonetheless, she speaks on the occurrence and "speaks it into existence."

In the novel and theory, "The Secret," you are taught to speak what you want into existence. It explains that whether negative or positive, when you put something into the universe, it can happen. The grandmother spoke their fate into existence, ironically.

She was more concerned with herself and her respectability the entire time, from her white gloves to her constant heckling of her family members. It's ironic that the serial killer was named the "Misfit" when this family is the epitome of such, according to the descriptions and focuses of the author.

- Korinn Carter


  1. After reading what you had to say, I couldn't agree with you more. I thought you had a great point about foreshadowing with reading about The Misfit in the paper, in the beginning of the story. I also really liked the point you made about perhaps the grandmother being the misfit within the family.

  2. I also got the immediate sense of foreshadowing like how the grandmother would be known as a lady even if found dead on the highway. (O'Connor 3)
    As Wesley stated previously and as you pointed out, I agree with your conclusion as to how the grandmother is the misfit within the family and has the longest 'relationship' with the actual misfit. Great response!

  3. Korinn, interesting point about the misfits in this story! Why do you think that is? What does it do for the way we understand something about the story?
