Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fall For The Book Post

Date: Tuesday September 20, 2011
Location: Harris Theater
Author: James Hornfischer
Book: Neptune's Inferno

At the event before the author came to the stage there was a formal introduction about the author. The opener spoke about the author's background history and his career as a writer. When the author first came to the stage he quickly began talking about his book. Another side note that is interesting to me is the fact that majority of his audience was elderly people. From the audience you can tell the type of attraction the author brings to his books Mr. Hornfischer first started again giving the audience some insight about his life before he started becoming a writer. Then followed with talking about the different characters in the book. What he said about the characters from his book was speak about them that would give the reader a better understanding of who they were.
When I first was going to the event I thought the author would just talk about his process in writing the book. What inspired him? How long did it take him? However, Hornfischer spoke to the audience as if they had already read his book. It was hard to follow if you had not read the book. There were a couple things that I did pick up from the speaker. His "inspiration" for writing the book was that he wanted to write and tell about a battle that most people did not know about. From that it let me know that Hornfischer is an author that seeks to inform his audience and not merely entertain. The event was an interesting experience and I would like to go to another one of an author whom I am familiar with to give a proper opinion of it I like it or not.

1 comment:

  1. Avan, yeah, it would be nice if the authors would not just assume everyone had read his/her book. It's a balance, though, I guess, because for the folks who have read the book, they don't want a recap. But maybe he could have struck a better balance. Anyway, I'm glad you went and enjoyed it a bit!
