Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Good Man is Hard to Find - 9/7 Journal Response

"'Lady,' the man said to the children's mother, 'would you mind calling them children to sit down with you? Children make me nervous. I want all you all to sit down right together where you're at." 'What are you telling US what to do for?' June Star asked." (O'Connor 14).

With that quote, I inferred a lot but also began to get confused, for lack of better words. I could predict that something negative was about to happen to the family when the man, later to be become known as "The Misfit", asked them to sit in a group together. From that, I could also tell that these three men were not there to the help the family out of their predicament. It bothered me when he said that "children make him nervous" because I got the feeling that he would lose control if the children did not sit down. Like it was relevant and apparent throughout the short story, little June Star was disrespectful and out of line with her comment. With the little girl's words in addition to the little boy's words also, they were very disrespectful and obnoxious, especially to their grandmother who was trying to educate them the entire time on this road trip.

I was not sure where this story was heading and then I was reassured after The Misfit had come into the plot that I really was not sure what was going on. The story line became mysterious and almost sad. I almost feel as if I was hoping for a fairy tale happy ending with this family throughout the whole time I was reading it. I was hoping that they would be laughing all together by the end of the road trip/story. It saddened me that this plot made a very clear but upsetting point: not everyone in this world is a good person. Since the grandmother was the "happy", for lack of better words, one in this short story, was O'Connor trying to say that have times changed? Or has the sad truth of not everyone being a good person always existed?

1 comment:

  1. Melanie, I'm sure you're not the only one who thought there might be a happy ending! I think your last two questions are really good ones. Let's address them in class tomorrow! And what do you think? If you had to answer these questions, what would you say?
