Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"A Good Man Is Hard To Find" Reading Response

"People are certainly not nice like they used to be" (O'Connor 7).

Throughout "A Good Man is Hard to Find" by Flannery O'Connor, the grandmother is trying to explain that times have changed and it is hard to find someone with a good heart anymore. She starts off disgusted by The Misfit and how he able to do the things he has done to people. However throughout the story she talks about the children as well. For explain on page 4 she says "In my time, children were more respectful of their native states and their parents and everything else" (O'Connor 4). Here the grandmother is scolding John Wesley and June Star for not appreciating where they come from and how they treat their elders. The grandmother is trying to explain to them that when she was younger, everyone cared about their elders and the place they were raised. The grandmother's fear in "people are certainly not nice like they used to be," truly shows when the family comes across The Misfit. She does not know what to say or do to change The Misfit's mind about killing them all.

I really enjoyed reading this literary work because it kept me very interested. I wanted to know what was going to happen to the family. I was actually very surprised that The Misfit killed everyone. I thought the story was very suspenseful.

1 comment:

  1. Wesley, what did you expect to happen? How did you expect it to end? Do you think it ended the right way, now that you think about it? Or would you have written the end differently?
