Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fall for the Book Response

I attended the Stephen King reading which took place at the Concert Hall in the Center for the Arts Building at 7:30pm on September 23, 2011. The Congressman and Mayor of Fairfax both preceded his appearance in which they briefly informed the audience about the award he would be receiving. Then Stephen King came out from back stage. He didn't begin with his reading. Instead, he first spoke with the audience about what his whole thought process is when he writes which was, in my opinion, very comical. It was a very good way to answer a question each member of the audience wonders about any author who's material they read. He mentioned his mother, who had posed the question to him, "What is the worst thing you can think of"? From that, I suppose it served as this blank canvas for him to write about the horror stories he is so well known for. This portion of his performance was the majority. He also, in this introduction, talked to the audience in a light-hearted manner which put us all at ease when we laughed at him. Then when he was finished with this segment of his appearance, he moved to the reading. He read us a portion of a piece he is not yet finished with entitled, Dr. Sleep. (I think that is what he said it was called). It was basically, a somewhat haunting, stereotype of people who live and travel in RV's. (not to spoil it for those interested in reading the finished product). Then he proceeded with a question and answer segment which had basically covered ideas covered in his introduction with the exception of a few. Afterwards, the Mayor of Fairfax presented him the his award and the event had come to an end.
I decided to go to this particular event not because I had read any of his books, but because he was the only author I recognized. That being said, I did enjoy my time at the event. He could probably be a successful comedian too. If I enjoyed reading like I used to, I would probably try to read at least one of his books. Not that they don't sound interesting, after the comments made about them, but I don't like anything scary. One of the most interesting things I learned is that he used to be a teacher in Maine before he was accepted to write full time. I thought that was interesting. Some special group of students out there actually had the opportunity to learn first hand from one of the most successful writers in the world. But most of all, he is a really down-to-earth guy who just enjoys writing. I don't know why so many people think that famous figures in society are anything but ordinary. Some just have talents they can be successful at and make a living off of. Overall, I am glad I went to see Stephen King. That was my first time attending Fall for the Book or any book-reading.

Casi Flordeliza

1 comment:

  1. Casi, glad you enjoyed it! Sounds like a great evening. I think King has one or two books that aren't scary. And have you read "Stand by Me"? It's a short story (and was made into a movie). It's excellent. He has a book on writing, too, which is about writing and wouldn't be scary.
