Monday, September 5, 2011

A Good Man is hard to Find reading responses

The grandmother believes she is better than everyone else and to that she thinks that her qualities is what her makes her a lady in her eye’s!

In the story the grandmother sees herself better than others and passes judgment on others. The grandmother never judge herself for all the faults she thinks she does not have like her judgmental attitude, selfishness, and arrogant. In the story there is an example where the grandmother is conveniently silent at the beginning of the story when she sneaks Pitty Sing into the car and lies to the children about it. When the Misfit systematically murders the family, the grandmother never once begs him to spare her children or grandchildren. She does, however, plead for her own life because she can’t imagine the Misfit wanting to kill a lady. Only when the grandmother is facing death finally understands what she been doing through her action and what her faults are. At the point of death when she finally realized her faults was to me when she finally found out what it means to be a lady who does not see herself above others in life.

1 comment:

  1. Irwin, interesting! So what can we gather from this realization of the grandmother's at the end? What does it mean?
