Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Heart is a Lonely Huner

“Always each of them had so much to say. Yet now that they were together they were silent.” (McCullers, 210).

There is a great chance that every person has had a need to share his/her feelings with somebody else. If these feelings were positive, happy, and exciting, one wants to share the happiness with others, however, if these feelings are depressing, sorrowful, and unhappy, one has the urge to share these emotions with mostly the closest friends and seek their understanding and advice. The main characters sought Mr. Singer because they wanted to share what they have on their mind. They looked for his attention, advice, and primarily understanding. They all trusted him because they knew he will stay discrete due to his inability to communicate verbally. They all came one by one to Mr. Singer to get rid of the negative emotions that depressed their soul. They have always found relief in this man’s presence. However, nobody has ever asked him about his feelings. Because Mr. Singer has constantly appeared happy, nobody ever questioned his emotions. They all thought he was satisfied. The only way Mr. Singer could communicate was through writing notes. Were the people selfish that nobody asked about his past or present feelings? Was it because nobody wanted to waste the time to wait for Mr. Singer to describe his emotions on a piece of paper? Everybody liked him and admired him but nobody knew anything about him. Were they afraid to ask? Especially the main characters felt very close to him close enough to reveal their emotions but Mr. Singer did not feel especially closed to any of them, or he probably didn’t expect they would understand what he was going through after learning about Antonapoulos’s death. Maybe he was afraid to tell them…

Hana Pasekova


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I also responded to this passage but the way you point out that if someone has good news or is happy about something they want to tell everyone about it, yet, if something bad happened or someone is upset they will go to the closest person they have that will listen to them. They knew their secrets were kept safe with Singer. Your response made me see this in an entirely different way.

  3. Hana, good points here about Singer's sort of lack of companionship. The others were so desperate to have companionship that they forget about Singer, in some ways. or maybe he wants to be forgotten about?
