Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter

"Singer read what he had written and the spots of color drained from his cheekbones instantly...Antonapoulas was dead (323-324)."

At this moment to me it was the end of existence for Singer. I did not know that he would kill himself just a few paragraphs later, but I knew as a character he would not be active anymore. He never talked, but there was always a vibe that came from Singer. That "vibe" would no longer penetrate. I feel as though everyone vented their feelings to Singer and he would soak them all in, but at the same time he wondered why they all chose to come to him. For him, he couldn't just express himself to any person, it was his best friend that he shared his thoughts with. Sometimes he would wait six long months to do this because Antonapoulas could not read, but when Singer visited him at the asylum they "talked" in a weird way. When he read the announcement that Antonapoulas was dead, a big piece of him died. Most people find it normal to grieve over a loved-ones death, but this was a deep onset depression. Singer did spend some of his time with other people, but it seemed that Antonapoulas was the only one who truly understood him. Living in a world where no one understands you is like living in a world with no air. Antonapoulas' death lead to the demise of Singer. Others that were left behind may not have understood his suicidal motives, but that's because they never truly understood Singer.


  1. I have to fully agree with the last sentence you wrote in your response. All of the other characters were so concerned with their emotions and problems and expressing them to Singer, but none of them took the time to get to know Singer and his feelings. However, from reading the book in the first couple chapters, it didn't really seem like Antonapoulas was concerned with SInger's thoughts either so it still makes me wonder why he choose Antonapouls as such a close friend besides the fact that he was also a mute. Although he took his like for his friend, I still will never understand why Antonanoulas was so important to him... What do you think?

  2. Natasha,

    Great post. I think it's so interesting that you saw something foreshadowed there, that you didn't necessarily know that Singer would kill himself but you did not that he wouldn't do anything any more.
