Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Reading Response Journal 9/21

"But now there was no music. That was the funny thing. It was like she was shut out from the inside room." (McCullers, 353)

In this quote McCullers is trying to convey the feeling of distress and unhappiness that Mick is feeling after Singer has taken his life.  I found this quote very interesting because for Mick it was certainly a realization of how much singer meant to her.  She always referred to the inside room when she was with him or was talking about him, and now that he was not there she is unable to connect with that part of her mind.  It is almost as though Singer was the human form of her inside room.  Because with him she is able to share things that she has not with anyone else.  Her time with singer was her favorite part of her daily routine, she listened to his radio that he had and her love for music grew stronger and stronger.  When she was in her inside room she wrote music and orchestrated her thoughts.  Singer and the inside room to her definitely come hand in hand and with singer not there, it is though she is missing an essential piece of herself.  Singer and Micks inside room are also deeply related because neither of them would respond to what she has to say, they both just listened to her thoughts.  Even thought Singer could not physically hear the music that she listened to, Singer was still able to see and reaction and understand the feelings she was expressing.  Music and Singer were very important to Mick and without one she can not connect with the other.

1 comment:

  1. Katelyn, I love how you say that neither Singer nor Mick would respond to her. So interesting!
