Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

"Yet now that they were together they were silent" (McCullers, 210).
This sentence stood out to me a lot throughout the rest of the novel. It encompassed the sense of loneliness there was throughout the book because even when all the characters are together they can't seem to interact. While all the characters were in the room together they ended up just doing what they normally do when they're alone and the only person they ever relied on was Singer.
I think that the characters found their hope and belief in Singer. Singer can be described as "tabula rasa" in this novel because he is virtually everyone's blank slate as they all put their own perceptions and beliefs of Singer on him, so he is a different person for everyone in the novel.
I also thought that the structure of this novel was very interesting. Each chapter had only one perception of one character which is like how each character portrayed are lonely just like the chapters in the book. The novel was a compilation of all these "lonely" chapters and they never really crossed as each chapter till the end was only written in one perception at a time, just as when the characters all met in Singer's room they couldn't connect and couldn't interact with each other.

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