Monday, September 5, 2011

A Good Man is Hard to Find!

"Look at that graveyard!" the grandmother said, pointing it out."That was the old family burying ground. That belong to the plantation." (O'Connor 3).

"It was a big black battered hearse-like automobile." (O'Connor 7).

How things played out in this story was quite interesting. For a minute you were unsure what was going to happen next. The grandmother played a huge roll in this story, she was not only a manipulator, but also the reason why things started to spiral downhill in the story. The plot couldn't have been any better. When reading this, I some how figured the infamous "Misfit" was going to end up showing somewhere as I read more; and he did. With the grandmother reading about him and making his story a big fuss, it gave you this feeling that somehow this was going to be important and useful. Once the pieces started coming together and the bigger picture of the story started to come into focus, the "Misfit" in fact, did play a factor in the quotes that stuck out to me at the most. He pulled up in a "big black battered hearse-like automobile (O'Connor 7)." The "Misfit" car was an emblem or sign that death was to follow; and one by one, the "Misfit" and his accomplices killed the family off. "Look at that graveyard," this here quote foreshadowed their deaths. Although, two bye two the family was carried off, they died as one. They may not have been buried on a plantation, but they were hidden and buried in the woods as a family, besides the grandmother. I enjoyed this reading because it all somehow tied together.

-Diamond Q.


  1. I completely agree with you about how the plot couldn't have been any better. When I was reading this story I thought it was kind of slow at first, but as I stated in my post once the accident happened everything started to speed up. I also really like how you connect what the grandmother said earlier in the story with the fate of the family in the end and the description of the car as well. I would have never thought of these connections myself. Great job!

  2. Diamond, what did all the foreshadowing do for you as you read the story? Did it affect the way you read/understood the story?
