Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"The Heart is a Lonely Hunter" by Carson McCullers

"When they were gone Singer stood alone in the room, and as he did not understand the situation he wanted to forget it. He decided to write to Antonapoulos that night." (McCullers, 212)

This quote describing how Singer felt after his guests left the room without any communication to each other really summarized Singer's character to me. We can tell that he truly only feels himself and comfortable when Antonapoulos is there and he can only shares his thoughts and feelings to him. Although, to most of the other characters he is portrayed as a "GOD" symbol, as someone who understands and sympathizes with others, he really is as confused of an individual as most of the other characters are. While he seems to easily be able to help others which problems and concerns, he cannot help himself. Him wanting to forget the situation as soon as the guests leave also portrays a lack of care from his part. Rather than trying to understand why his guests have such an easy time talking to him, but cannot seem to have any sort of communication with each other, Singer's main concert is establishing a connection and communication with Antonapoulos. This quote also helped me understand and evolve with a theme to the book, which is that although we may think verbal communication is the strongest form of communicating with other humans, connection and bond with people is often a lot stronger than we may judge it to be. 

1 comment:

  1. Mija, I think you're on to something with the idea about human connection and bonding. This is, I think, a big part of the novel, this idea of the need to connect with others.
