Friday, September 23, 2011

Fall for the Book Post

I attended the reading on Thursday, September 22 at noon in the JC Cinema. The reading was by Memoirist Merri Lisa Johnson author of Girl in Need of a Tourniquet. The author didn't start off with the reading right away, but just started talking about random tidbits. In the beginning she talked about how she likes this certain author (I can't remember the name) because the author goes from book reading to commentary very smoothly and she wanted to be able to do that too. Then when she started her reading she was very dynamic and energetic. She put in a lot of feeling within her reading and she would also tell us the title of the chapter she was reading, but would change the title names to fit with the context of the reading she was doing at the moment. She also said that she wanted to become a "slam memoirist" like pose poetry artists and the author was just very honest about everything like about her borderline personality disorder she had.
I really liked this reading because I wasn't bored at all for even one second of he reading; the author was that energetic and when she read I could feel the feelings coming out of the book and I could feel the feeling that were written in her book. I think that I learned more about the border personality disorder that she had and I could understand it more and the wrong connotations that come with this disorder. I liked how she was really honest and didn't try to hid any facts about herself. She also talked about how her book wasn't about the healing process or treatment and it was just about the pains that she had through her disorder and such and I found that very different from other writers because most of them write about the pains and then also include their process of healing and treatment.

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