Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter 9/21

I can not believe I actually enjoyed a novel as I did this one. This novel is not a book I would normally pick up and find very interesting and in most cases did not want to put down. McCullers had a unique way in presenting each characters personality and how each character took to one another. They all were connected to Mr. Singer oddly, but had no connection amongst one another. One of the main themes I saw that stuck out to me was heroism. Throughout the novel. each character looked at Mr.Singer as a Godly figure. Though words were never spoken, his presence alone said enough. Also, his love he exemplified for Antonapoulos, showed how he could love someone without receiving the same unconditional love in return. Another hero that began to emerge close to the end of Part 2, was Mick. She truly began to mature all of a sudden. She always had love for her younger brother Bubber; even after the incidence with him and baby. "In the dark she put her arms around him and held him very close. She touched him all over and kissed him everywhere...The love she felt was so hard that she had to squeeze him to her until her arms were tired" (138). Like Singer had unconditional love for his friend Antonapoulos, Mick had unconditional love for Bubber. He was even considered a part of her inside room, which was sacred and passionate to her. Another heroic example of Mick, which was a big one, was when Mick considered to get a job to help her family financially. She also saw this as a way to be able to purchase things of her enjoyment as well. "Ten dollars a week would buy about fifteen fried chickens. Or five pairs of shoes or five dresses. Or installments on a radio. She thought about a piano, but she did not mention that aloud" (241). Although, her parents weren't really supportive at first, they knew it was their only option to help keep things afloat. Mick grew up even more when taking this step, which changed her character in a sense. Mick was not the little girl at the beginning, who was venturing throughout the neighborhood in her own little world. She was slowly becoming a part of the family, and by her getting the job was the changing factor. - Diamond Quarles

1 comment:

  1. Diamond, so glad you enjoyed the book! To me, this novel gets just better and better each time I read it -- so I'll be curious if you go back to it in a year or two and reread it. What do you think it's all about that they could not connect to each other but could connect to singer?
