Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The heart really is a lonely hunter

In the novel “The heart is a lonely Hunter” it is said that it has a central idea of not fitting in, of being a freak, or a misfit. In the novel I believe that Biff Brannon has a somewhat of a disconnection from his wife because his wife says he is a freak because he like freaks. Biff is a healthy person who has a strong connection to the physically deformed that to me shows inner weakness within him. Because of this weakness Biff has the inability to connect to his wife and is even more drawn away from society. The other main characters shows signs of social weakness. Mick Kelly, the only female in the group, is a young girl, wielding no real authority but burdened with responsibility for her younger brothers. She tries to enhance her stature by acting tough, using a boy’s name and dressing boyishly and smoking, but her false strength is revealed by the fear she has of being found out after her first sexual encounter. Another character Jake Blount’s weakness is alcoholism, which keeps him from following through with any plans hetrys makes, He is hard to understand when he trys to talk because he is drunk. Dr. Copeland has to deal with the tuberculosis that is eating away his body.


  1. Why do you think the author has made the central idea that?

  2. Irwin, why do you think Biff's interest in "freaks" shows an inner weakness? Couldn't it just as easily show an inner strength, in that he doesn't care what's cool or acceptable?
