Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Carson McCullers’s heart really is a lonely hunter

This is a summary of the after doing the presentation the book and know the background of Carson McCullers, the book became clearer and I understood it more. She basically wrote the book about her life experiences. For instance the use of music in the book. McCullers did play the piano at some point in her life and she incorporated that into her book. She had to stop playing the piano which could be compared to when she stated "there was no music" and on a more serious note this quote had a hidden mean that pertained to Singers death. Mick was gradually getting attached to Mr. Singer and after his suicide "it was like she was shut out from the inside room" (McCullers, 353). This inside room which could have been a place for her to take refuge. Also there were incorporation of homosexuality in the book too. When Biff Brannon puts on Alice’s perfume and redoes the room. McCullers herself and her husband once experienced homosexuality which resulted in them breaking up and remarrying years later. This book was more than a book. It revealed soo much about the author and her life experiences.

1 comment:

  1. Daniel, I think you're right that we can draw connections between McCullers' life and the book. Now, I'd encourage you to think beyond that. Because a lot of authors use their own experiences as jumping off places, but we can't assume that it's autobiographical or that everything that happens happened to that author. What do you think about reading the book on its own merits, and using what we know about McCullers as helpful background?
