Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Reading Response Journal to How Should one Read a book

From the short story Virginia Wolf said “that the best advice to give on reading is to do what you believe is best when reading and to follow your own instincts and your own reason to come to conclusion” (Woolf, 1).

As I was reading this short story by Virginia Woolf I was very interesting. As I was reading there was one main point that caught my eye which was that the only way that people who are reading any book or novel can only understand the messages of what the author of the book is trying to convey is when they open up the book so they know that they are reading and what the author is trying to say. The way the reader can do this is in there own way of thing and words is to choose there words in a way that will get there way of thinking and thought process across to other people and keep them interested. For example of this in the story Woolf uses very descriptive words and phrases to draw the readers attention by providing an emotional image which keeps the reader focus to what they are reading. There is one main key factor in how one reads a book which Woolf states in this story which is “if readers did not have preconceptions, or understanding of what they are reading they would not be able to grow or expand literary understanding.

1 comment:

  1. Irwin, interesting! Do you think you approach books and literature with preconceptions? Did you approach the Woolf essay with preconceptions?
