Monday, August 29, 2011

Reading Response 08/31

"The only advice indeed, that a person can give another about reading is to take no advice, to follow your own instincts, to use your own instincts, to come to your own conclusions" (Woolf 1).

I believe the passage's main point was that reading is personal. It is about your personal preferences and what words, topics, genres and stories reach you the most. No one can directly tell you how to enjoy a book. At the end of the day, it is only your opinion that counts and that is all that matters.

Also, the author discussed how reading is using our "own creative powers" (Woolf 6). Enjoying reading is like creating art. You need to have an open mind, so you have the ability to use your imagination to the fullest. Reading takes us on a adventure...if you let it. Something about a story, whether it is non fiction, poetry, a love story and so on....captures are attention and sucks us into a different life. It's like going on many mini-vacations and coming back everytime hungry to go on more but feeling refreshed at the same time.

The passage really made me think about why I choose the books I do and why I love reading so much. Books are relaxing in many ways and after a long day, I love to just crack open a new adventure and see where it takes me.

-Lena Miller


  1. I enjoyed on how you understood on how the author was trying to tell the audience that reading is personal and how we shouldn't let that be taken away from us. In my response I kind of went in the same direction as you did in saying how that the books we read is a way we express ourself. In some way it shows a glimpse into our identity. In my opinion what makes a good story or a good book to someone is that fact that they can connect to the story. Connecting to the plot is essential for the reader to get the most out of the story.

  2. Lena, I'm curious about how you do choose the books you read and what, to you, makes a good book? Good post!
